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Posts Currently viewing the category: "Blog"

These days it seems like there’s a catastrophic event every few days. From natural disasters to senseless massacres to global threats to pain in our personal lives, so many of us are incredibly aware of the darker side of life that seems to be omnipresent right now.  I’ve heard from countless clients…(Read More)

Having trouble determining if your hunger is physical or emotional? This can be challenging for all of us at times. A helpful way to figure this out is to ask yourself if you’re hungry enough to eat an apple. Apples are a neutral food that most people enjoy when hungry, but wouldn’t necessarily…(Read More)

Raising healthy, non-eating-disordered children in today’s unhealthy, weight-obsessed culture can feel like a daunting, seemingly impossible task. Having to change so many negative aspects of our appearance-focused society can feel overwhelming… But don’t despair! Children, especially adolescents, look to the adults in their lives to shape emerging views and…(Read More)

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Dr. Ashley Southard

Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Dr. Ashley Southard is a Complex Trauma Therapist and Eating Disorder Expert. Check her out on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook for heartfelt inspiration and life-changing education.

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