The irony of my role as a psychologist, who works primarily with adults, is that I spend the majority of my days “re-parenting” clients, due to deficiencies created in childhood! Nothing could be truer than with my beloved obese and eating disordered clients. Problematic eating practices are all-too-often inadvertently created in childhood…(Read More)
As kids manage the many demands of school throughout the year, it’s our job as parents to be on the lookout for problematic signs of stress. Keep an eye on the usual telltale signs of depression and anxiety, which include moodiness, irritability, sadness, and poor sleep. Also take note of frequent physical complaints (such…(Read More)
“Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy.” ~Robert A. Heinlein As a child born to teen parents, I had no choice but to learn how to fend for myself. It was called survival. And while difficult, it instilled in me the absolute ability to be self-sufficient, resilient, capable and, as a…(Read More)
Healing Requires Feeling Feelings cannot hurt you. It’s what you do, or don’t do, with them that can hurt. Imagine your emotions are like ocean waves — coming and going, and always changing. Some feel big like tsunamis, and some feel small just tickling your toes. Regardless of their size or shape, all emotions…(Read More)
In the past, as the mother of two young children, I found myself saying, “Use Your Words!” as I worked to help teach my developing girls how to express their needs, wants and desires in a language that others could readily understand. Now, as the mother of two soon-to-be adolescent girls, I find…(Read More)
Did you know that emotions are like our body’s GPS system, helping us navigate life? When we stop listening to these “directions,” our emotions get louder and more intense, and may turn into explosive anger, excessive worrying, eating disorders, and depression. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to quiet the noise…(Read More)