“For so many, the holidays are a painful, difficult season. What do you see your clients struggling with most during this time of the year?” The interviewer was Dr. Connie Mariano, former White House Physician and my esteemed colleague, her sensitive question posed during a recent taping for her new Dr. Connie Radio Show. Over…(Read More)
These days it seems that everyone is talking about the importance of mindfulness. As a therapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders at A New Beginning, I, too, often find myself discussing with clients the utility of living mindfully. However, even the best yoga class or mindful eating experience can be just that –…(Read More)
Recently I was afforded the opportunity to reconnect with and have gratitude for my body on a very basic level. My ability to see was temporarily suspended while I recovered from a corneal abrasion, a scratch on my eyeball that caused a great deal of pain and left me unable to open my eyes. As…(Read More)
If I eat the cake, won’t it make me fat? Her struggle played out palpably across her young face, and I found myself stirred with a mixture of empathy — and sorrow. “No, honey, the cake won’t make you fat. Just eat what you’re hungry for, let yourself enjoy it, and stop when…(Read More)
Raising healthy, non-eating-disordered children in today’s unhealthy, weight-obsessed culture can feel like a daunting, seemingly impossible task. Having to change so many negative aspects of our appearance-focused society can feel overwhelming… But don’t despair! Children, especially adolescents, look to the adults in their lives to shape emerging views and…(Read More)